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Study Group

1:30-3 pm  |  $20  | Monthly
SIGN UP text or call 954-254-5172 | Email

This class is designed for the serious student who is considering teaching yoga or wants to deepen their understanding of yoga asana. Also, a wonderful opportunity for yoga teachers to dive deeper into movement and alignment to enhance their student’s experience.

We will dissect 1 or 2 poses each week, to better understand basic alignment, physiology and anatomy.  Ways to modify the asana to meet individual needs will be addressed.

Yoga Immersion

5 Saturdays from Noon – 6 pm  |  Fee $650
Introductory and Junior Intermediate 1 syllabus with Colleen and Judy

SIGN UP text or call 954-254-5172 | Email
Saturdays 2019:  January 5, Feb. 2, March 2, April 6 & May 4

“Life itself seeks fulfillment as plants seek sunlight.”  BKS

For those interested in eventually becoming a teacher or already teaching. Deepen your knowledge of yoga and how to teach, demonstrate, observe, make hands on adjustments, develop clear language and learn basic therapeutics.

This training of  5 one day intensives are designed for the person with at least 3 years of consistent Iyengar yoga class room experience and serious about certification. The program will also  include preparation and review of the intermediate junior 1 syllabus. Colleen and Judy are committed  to bring out the fullest potential in every person. Our goal is to help you achieve your goals of certification. Through a balance of our love for Iyengar yoga and the joy of teaching.

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*20 Class Package = $220
*10 Class Package = $140
*5 Class Package = $75

Level 1/Beginner 1 Hour Class
*10 Class Package = $100 | Drop in = $13

Drop-in Class (other levels) =$20
Florida Resident New Student Drop in = $10
(Level 1 or 2 ONLY)

Yearly Unlimited Classes = $1700

*All packages have 3 month expiration

Iyengar Yoga, Delray Beach, Class Packs

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“The beginning is the most important part of the work.” — Plato

LEVEL 1 – This one hour class is perfect to establish a firm foundation in yoga.  It is designed for the student new to yoga or the Iyengar method. Can serve as a refresher to the student returning to class after some time away or simply for someone who wants to reconnect with the basics. Standing poses, as well as basic concepts of movement are emphasized.

You are growing, moving beyond fear.  You wonder WHAT’S NEXT??

LEVEL 2 – This 90 minute general level class focus is to increase strength and flexibility to the legs, arms, and spine. Shoulder stand is introduced along with the concepts of headstand.

You have taken the classes, scratched the surface – NOW DIVE DEEPER.

LEVEL 3 – (Intermediate) At this level regular practice of yoga assumed. A basic understanding of the mechanics of shoulderstand and headstand required. The subtleties of foundational asanas are explored while expanding your horizons of intermediate poses.

You’re growing! You have passion! You love to learn and CHALLENGE YOURSELF.

“Nothing at all in our lives link us to the present except the state of being present.”  — BKS Iyengar

XPRESS YOGA – a 1 hour yoga class that fits your schedule.  Perfect after a long day!


This restful class is a wonderful respite from our busy hectic world. Asanas are supported so the student can deeply relax and re-energize.

“Learning never exhausts the mind” — Leonardo da Vinci

AGELESS/LEVEL 1 – a yoga class for the mature person, or for someone recovering from an illness or injury. The class objectives are to improve range of motion, posture and balance. A combination of yoga on the chair, some standing to increase strength and balance and floor work to increase flexibility.

“To Live is to Learn” — BKS Iyengar

SUNDAY DISCUSSION GROUP – Living your yoga, bringing awareness into current issues and life. NEW & FREE

Preliminary Course

with Judy Rosenzweig & Marti Parker Kraus
REGISTER or QUESTIONS text or call Judy 954-706-0790

Fee: $250 includes Preliminary Course Book by Geeta Iyengar
The Preliminary Course Book of asanas and pranayama is based on the syllabus taught at the Ramanan Institute in Pune, India.

Wednesdays 1:30-4 pm
January 16-30 |  February 13-27  |  March 13-27

Yoga students and future yoga teachers, do YOU have the courage to teach?

Take your first step! Build the COURAGE & CONFIDENCE to equip you with tools necessary to begin your journey in becoming a yoga teacher. If you are already teaching yoga, but not the Iyengar method, this course will enhance your teaching skills.

Learn to teach the following:

  • Basic principles of yoga asana in standing poses, twists, forward bends and inversions
  • How to use props correctly
  • Pronunciation of asana in Sanskrit
  • Geometry and shape of asana
  • Actions in asana
  • Awareness and observation
  • Ethics of practice (Yamas and Niyamas)

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