PADMASANA (Lotus Pose)

Padmasana translates “that which is born out of the mud”.
The pose is done with our feet on top of our legs, like a lotus – strong and firmly rooted down under the water.

In this pose, energy ascends, opening mind and heart to reveal cosmic beauty. Thus, like a lotus, from our root, we reach upward to blossom in the sunlight.  At iYoga, we learn the key actions of Padmasana along with accessory poses to bring the mobility in the hips, knees and ankles needed to one day sit in this noble pose. Importantly, we  cover ways to modify this pose to meet individual needs.

Hindu god Vishnu was floating on the cosmic sea of possibility when the time came for the next cycle of creation. Out of his navel sprung a lotus flower! After it grew tall, the petals opened to reveal the Hindu God Brahma. Brahma uttered “OM” and the cosmic ocean swirled into the universe we have today.

The lotus in the navel represents how we are nourished by our mother through the umbilical cord to her navel. That nourishment makes us who we are today.

The lotus flower grows in murky waters, rising above from the very bottom, then reaches up through water to find light.  The lotus blooms above the murky waters in the bright sunlight.

The muck represents our “stuff” (issues, jealousy, ego, angry fears}. The lotus represents purity, beauty and strength , It ultimately represents the higher Self. The opening of the flower represents our spiritual awakening. There are 8 petals representing ashtanga yoga, the 8 limbs of yoga.

 It is interesting that the lotus leaf does not absorb any moisture. Water beads up and slips off leaving the leaf unaffected. Similarly, we strive for our mind to be undisturbed rather than pursuing endlessly changing thoughts.

Within You There is Lotus Potential

The pose itself with the feet on top of the legs roots you down to the floor – like a lotus under the water. The practitioner ascends upward through the practice of meditation, as a lotus ascending through the muck and water and open the heart and mind as a lotus flower opens to the sunlight.  Once open we reveal the cosmic beauty inside.

The divine constitutes are represented by 3 steady points.; the 2 knees, and the coccyx.  

This seat connects with the ground reminding practitioners of the spiritual foundation upon which life thrives.  Padmasana contains both grounding and elevating energies. The pose is both grounding and expansive.  It establishes a firmness in ones temporary connection with the earth. While simultaneously has the potential to awaken dormant energy called Kundalini at the base of spine and move that energy up the chakra system . We do this by energizing the bandhas.

Benefits of Padmasana:

  • Increases circulation in the lumbar region
  • Nourishes and tones the abdominal organs strengthens the ankles, legs all the while increases flexibility of the hips
  • The grounded pelvis into the floor stimulated the nerves in the sacrum which activates the para sympathetic nervous system for a calming effect.  The reason being while in the posture the apana, downward energy, releases excess air  which calms the nervous system.
  • Conducive for meditation. The pose is so grounding if you were to drift into sleep while meditating you would not fall over.
  • According to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the body locked into place at various parts of the body presses acupuncture points, stomach, gallbladder, spleen, kidneys, liver to bring about changes in your metabolic structure and brain patterns. In turn this  helps to create balance in the whole system.