Opening Up Spaces

January 17th & 18th from 10am – 12pm

Join Paula Weithman a Level 3 Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher from Dallas

Learn to integrate a practice of asana & breath awareness to develop receptivity & sensitivity for the body. Through gentle mindful movements, you will foster ease in the body by opening tight tissue. The sessions begin with soft opening patterns that open myofascial tissue and move into grounding, stabilizing dynamic poses. You will experience energetic flow or prana in your joints, muscles, connective tissue, and organic body. You will develop sensitivity, intuition, and compassion for the body, mind, and spirit creating a storehouse of unlimited energy enhancing your health and well-being.

All are welcome especially practitioners of Gentle and Ageless Yoga.

January 17 and 18 10-12 pm
Cost $80
Individual Sessions Available
Early Bird before January 6, $72.

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Move From Form to Function with Paula Weithman CIYT Level 3

January 18th from 2pm – 4pm

Sutra ll.46
Asana is firmness of body, steadiness of intelligence and benevolence of spirit

The form of the body gives impact to the quality of the mind – and steadiness of the mind allows us to transition & flow with life, keeping our attention centered internally on the Self.  In yoga, we say that when we come into the alignment of our innate intelligence, we align with the divinity within.

This workshop will provide you with clear principles for Iyengar alignment. We will explore how “technique” or awareness of action provides a steadiness, stability and ease to move you deeper into refining your poses with a reflective, calm mind that builds confidence.  Instruction will be given to building a strong base through standing poses, lateral extensions, twists, forward & back bends, balancing poses & inversions to allow the asanas to build on each other.  Attention will be given on the alignment at the joint spaces to mobilize & stabilize in each category of the poses with modifications for your body.

It’s not about how much or far we can go but the quality with how we practice.  With reflection we can move from our habitual patterns to feel something new, shifting away from old habitual patterns.  Through practice, the inner light of intelligence awakens penetrating through the layers of our koshas/beingness to reveal our essential nature.

This workshop is for people with an experienced yoga practice — not necessarily an Iyengar practice but an interest in learning Iyengar Yoga from a senior teacher.

January 18 2 -4 pm and 19 10-12 pm 
Cost $80 
Individual Sessions Available
Early Bird before January 6, $72.

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