Beginner Yoga - Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6pm


Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6pm with Laura

No experience needed hour long classes where students work on the basic asanas, actions, and approaches of Iyengar yoga. These classes also help people who have been away, need to refresh knowledge, or have studied another method.

Beginner Yoga is available on Zoom or in the Studio!

Gentle Yoga - Never too late, Never too old to start Yoga


Mondays and Fridays at 12pm with Laura

Wednesdays at 12pm with Jill

Gentle Yoga classes offer a slower pace that accommodates individuals with and without limitations, while still teaching proper alignment. Emphasis is placed on improving range of motion, posture and balance.

It is never too late, and you’re never too old to start yoga!

Gentle Yoga is available on Zoom or in the Studio!

General Yoga - Sundays Through Fridays at 10am


Sundays through Fridays at 10am with Stephanie

General level classes focus on increasing strength and flexibility in the legs, arms, and spine. Shoulder stand is introduced along with the concepts of headstand.

Previously attending one month of Beginner Classes or permission of the instructor is required.

General Yoga is available on Zoom or in the Studio!

Strong General Yoga on Saturdays with Colleen


Saturdays at 8am with Colleen

For those wanting a challenge to move forward!

Strong General Level classes integrate the introduction of more advanced—inversions and variations, padmasana and variations, while exploring the subtleties of general level asanas and pranayama.

Philosophy is an integral part of the class. Students should have experience with headstand, full arm balance and shoulder stand. Previously attending General Classes for one year or permission of the instructor is required.

Strong General Yoga is available on Zoom or in the Studio!

Which Class Is Right for Me?

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Once you download the app and sign up, find iYoga Delray to view our calendar and register.


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